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MATERI Training Generator dan Electrical Motor : Operation, Maintenance
1. Introduction To Electric Motors
2. Introduction to Electrical Power Generation System
3. Types of Electric Motors
4. Synchronous Generator Characteristics
5. Motor Rating
6. Electric Motor Characteristics
7. Motor Starting
8. Parallel Operation of Generator
9. Active Load Sharing
10. Reactive load Sharing
11. Electric Motor Control
12. Assemblage Techniques
13. Failure Analysis and Repair
14. How to Select Appropriate Motors
15. Protection of Generator
16. Protection of Electric Motor During Starting, Running and Braking
17. Inspection ON and OFF Line of Generator and Electric Motor AC/DC
18. Maintenance of Electric Motor Control
19. Maintenance of Diesel Engine-Driven Electric Generator
Operator, technician, engineer of power plant and everyone who want to know or to deepen the technique of operation, maintenance and control of AC/DC electric motor and Generator
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant (Yogyakarta)
TRAINING FEE for Generator dan Electrical Motor : Operation, Maintenance
Rp7.500.000,-/Participant/Non Residential
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Topik Training | : Generator dan Electrical Motor : Operation, Maintenance |
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*Email Alternatif | eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail |
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