Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Building Service Culture

January 15, 2014

Building Service Culture

Jadwal Pelatihan Building Service Culture

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The delivery of excellent service must be viewed as a way of life within an organization, not an add-on to the employee’s job responsibilities. This means engraining it into the culture of the organization so that it becomes known that “service excellence” is just business as usual. It starts with identifying the higher purpose of the organization and identifying the employee behaviors to consistently achieve the higher purpose. It also means looking at the systems and processes in place to sustain a culture of service excellence and the leadership actions that are necessary to ensure they stay in place.



  • How to develop a Service Philosophy and Service Standards
  • Review and explore the leadership actions needed to create and sustain a culture.
  • Identify the critical elements to create an ideal customer experience



I. Foundations for a Great Service Culture

  1. Frameworks
  2. Essential vocabulary
  3. Mindsets for service
  4. Critical cornerstones

II. Leading, Coaching and Facilitating a Great Service Culture

  1. Making the service-profit chain work
  2. Service leaders: Legendary word-of-mouth
  3. Communicating your service vision
  4. Cultural leadership
  5. Embedding culture
  6. Leading from where you are
  7. Inspiring passionate service
  8. Engaging employees
  9. Barrier surveys

III. Mapping and Managing for a Great Customer Experience

  1. Service process mastery
  2. Keys: Eliminate pain; emphasize value & delight
  3. “Customer experience” model
  4. Mapping how you do service delivery
  5. Mapping how the customer “experiences” service delivery
  6. Service process mapping examples
  7. Determining customer expectations for CMOT
  8. Setting service performance targets

IV. Using Assessment to Build Strategic Commitment

  1. Your role as change agent
  2. Alternative assessment tools
  3. Is service a strategic priority?
  4. Using SWOT to facilitate conversation about current state
  5. Must the future look different? If so, what does the future state look like?
  6. Using “The Wall” to create visual reminder of the work to be done
  7. Service standards vs. service strategy

V. Building and Improving Systems & Capability

  1. Performance measurement systems
  2. Human resources capabilities
  3. Infrastructure investments



Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation



Training Kit, Handout, Certificate, Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break, Souvenir, Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Building Service Culture

Rp6.500.000,- / participant / NON Residential

Minimal 3 peserta

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