Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi
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Instructor by : Hanifah
One area of Financial Planning that everyone has to deal with every dayis cash flow. Whether you are high income earning physician or a retireeliving on a fixed income there are decisions which must be made daily,do I spend or don’t I? The basic concept of cash flow is the single mostimportant part of a Financial Plan. Positive monthly and annual cashflow is what allows a business, a household or an individual to havea successful financial plan. The second part of this category is TaxManagement. Having your finger on the pulse of how the governmentis paid, is half the battle. Taxes are one of the most active legislativecategories we face yet very few people actively adjust their tax strategy.
OUTLINE MATERI Training Cash Flow Planning And Tax Planning
1. Cash Flow Planning
2. Life Event Planning
3. Invesment Tax Planning
4. Gift and Estate Planning
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)
TRAINING FEE for Cash Flow Planning And Tax Planning
Rp6.500.000,- / participant / Non Residential
Minimal 3 participant
Data Materi Training | |
Topik Training | : Cash Flow Planning And Tax Planning |
Link | |
*Jumlah Peserta | Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan |
*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan | |
Personal Data | |
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*Jabatan | Jabatan/Divisi/Departement |
*Nama Perusahaan | |
*Alamat Perusahaan | |
*Email Perusahaan | |
*Email Alternatif | eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail |
*Telepon Kantor | |
Ekstensi | |
*Handphone | |
* Harus di isi | |