Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Formation Damage : Cause, Prevention And Remediation

July 15, 2014

Formation Damage : Cause, Prevention And Remediation

Jadwal Pelatihan Formation Damage : Cause, Prevention And Remediation

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Instructor by : Dr. Ir. Drs. Herianto, MSc.


Formation damage is an undesirable operational and economic problem that may occur during the various phases of oil and gas recovery from petroleum reservoirs. Control and remediation of formation damage are among the most important issues to be resolved for efficient exploitation of petroleum reservoirs and cost management. Designing certain chemicals and/or treatment procedures for damage control and remediation is a science as well as an art. Recipes that work for certain cases may not necessarily work for others. In spite of exhaustive research and development efforts, the cost-effective mitigation of formation damage is still a very challenging task. This course provides engineers the understanding and tools available for prevention, control, and remediation of formation damage.



  • Geological / depositional environment, reservoir properties review
  • Properties influencing formation damage
  • Damaging sandstones, shales and carbonates, clay mineralogy
  • Damage mechanisms – Causes of damage: Fluids and Polymers, During drilling, running pipe and cementing, From perforating, During well completions, During production (fines migration, paraffin, scale, etc), During workovers and Damage to Injection wells.
  • Evaluating damage potential: Laboratory testing
  • Evaluating wells that may be damaged: Production performance, Pressure analysis, Production logging
  • Damage removal: Non-acid approaches, Acidizing and Bypassing damage with hydraulic fracturing



Designed for production, completion, reservoir and drilling engineers; geologists concerned with well performance and production enhancement; filed supervisors, production foremen, engineering technicians; production and exploration managers; those individuals in vertical, horizontal and multilateral wells, conventional and unconventional reservoirs.





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Formation Damage : Cause, Prevention And Remediation

Rp9.500.000,- / participant / NON Residential

Quota minimal 3 orang peserta

Form Pre-Registrasi

Data Materi Training

Topik Training : Formation Damage : Cause, Prevention And Remediation
*Jumlah Peserta Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan
*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan

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