Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Harmonisa Analisa Dan Dampak Pada Sistem Kelistrikan

September 18, 2014

Harmonisa Analisa Dan Dampak Pada Sistem Kelistrikan

Jadwal Pelatihan Harmonisa Analisa Dan Dampak Pada Sistem Kelistrikan

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Instructor by : Tugino ST, MT



Power systems designed to function at the fundamental frequency,  are prone to unsatisfactory operation and, at times, failure when subjected to voltages and currents that contain substantial harmonic frequency elements. Very often, the operation of electrical equipment may seem normal, but under a certain combination of conditions, the impact of harmonics is enhanced, with damaging results

As we connect more electronic devices to our power systems, the “quality” of the power becomes more important. “Quality” can be defined many ways. Stable voltages and undistorted waveforms are two characteristics which are very desirable in power systems. Grounding affects voltage stability, and more importantly, is critical to personal safety. Harmonics are a mathematical model we use to analyze distorted waveforms.

Harmonics are a mathematical model of the real world. Harmonics are simply a technique to analyze the current drawn by computers, electronic ballasts, variable frequency drives and other equipment which have modem “transformer-less” power supplies.



  • Study transients and harmonics in power systems, along with analysis methods and mitigation practices
  • Understanding the causes of power quality problems and relate them to equipment susceptibility


MATERI Training Harmonisa Analisa Dan Dampak Pada Sistem Kelistrikan

1. Power Quality

  • What is power quality
  • Factors affecting the power quality causes and methods to alter the factors for optimum power quality
  • Measurement techniques
  • Tools such as ETAP and its implementation.
  • Monitoring power line disturbances

2. Introduction To Power Quality

  • Overloading, under voltages
  • Sags and Swells, Total Harmonic, Distortion (THD), Waveform distortion
  • Sustained ,  interruption

3. Voltages Sags and Interruptions

  • Sources of sags and interruptions Estimating voltage sag performance
  • Motor starting sags, Estimating the sag
  • Mitigation of voltage sags
  • Active series compensators
  • Static transfer switches and fast , transfer switches

4. Over Voltages

  • Sources of over voltages Capacitor switching , Lightning Ferro resonance
  • Mitigation of voltage swells Surge arresters, Power conditioners
  • Lightning protection, Protection of transformers and cables

5. Electrical Transites

  • Switching transients
  •  Energization
  • Capacitance switching
  • Transformer in-rush currents
  • Motor starting transients
  • Lightning induced transients
  • Lightning characteristics
  • Surge propagation
  • Shielding

6. Harmonics

  • Harmonic distortion, indices & sources
  • Voltage and current distortion
  • Power system, response Characteristics
  • Harmonic distortion evaluation and correction
  • IEEE and IEC standards,Effects of harmonics,  Mitigation technique, filters, active compensators

7. Power Quality Monitoring

  • Monitoring considerations
  • Power quality measurement equipment Harmonic / spectrum analyzer. Flicker meters Disturbance analyzer
  • Applications of expert system for power, quality monitoring

8. Tools Frequency Analyser Harmonic Analyser





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch, 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Harmonisa Analisa Dan Dampak Pada Sistem Kelistrikan

Rp10.000.000,-/Participant/Non Residential

(Quota minimal 4 orang peserta pasti running)


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