Intensive Course Of Oil Gas Law
February 13, 2014
Jadwal Pelatihan Intensive Course Of Oil Gas Law
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Instructor by: Edi Purwoko
This intensive Course of Oil & Gas Law constitutes a comprehensive course to deepen our knowledge in legal aspects of oil & gas industry. This Workshop will be held in Indonesian language and presented by the combination of oil and gas law experts and government officer who have handled case and involved in oil and gas industry for many years. This Course is designed to be presented intensively in order to provide deep understanding to all participants about oil & gas industry and the development of relevant laws and regulation.
After the Course, the participant will be expected to have legal skill in order to understand legal aspect of oil & gas including understanding of:
- Many kinds of common contract in oil and gas industry (TAC, PSC, JOB, JOA, EOR);
- The role and authority of Oil and Gas regulating Body (i.e. BP Migas and BPH Migas);
- How to proceed a mining area of oil and gas;
- Various obligations of the contractor to the government;
- Characteristic of upstream and downstream activities (exploration, exploitation, processing, transportation, storage and trading);
- Relinquishment activities, land clearing;
- Cost recovery, AFE, Work Program and Budget, P.O.D, ROW;
- Technique to acquire license to borrowing and use of forestry area (Ijin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan)
- Various regulations and critical issues to be understood in conducting legal audit; and
- Various restrictions and regulations to conduct merger and acquisition.
1. Basic Knowledge of Petroleum Industry for Non Engineers
- To understand the process of petroleum production and kind of product derived from oil
- To know the common term used in this field such drilling, well, reservoir etc
- To provide little bit knowledge in relation with the stage of exploration and exploitation of oil & gas
2. Legal Aspect in Relation to Oil & Gas Mining
- To understand the characteristic of upstream and downstream activities which are includingi:eExploration, exploitation, processing; carriage; storage and marketingb. to understand all kinds of obligation of contractor to the Government including exploration and exploitation royalties, profit sharing amount and taxation.c. to understand a processing to participate in working area tender.d. understanding of the obligation in relation with relienquisment of working area for contractor of oil & gas.e. to understand the concept of cost recovery, Work Program and Budget, AFE, P.O.D, ROW (right of way) (authorization financial expenditure)
- To understand the function of BP migas
3. Technique to Acquire License to Borrow and Use of Forestry Area
(Ijin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan)
4. Technique to acquire license to borrow and use of forestry area (Ijin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan)
5. Legal Audit & Legal Aspect of Acquisition in Relation with the Oil & Gas Company
- To understand the critical issues to be noted in relation with legal audit in oil & gas company, which are including material aspect of contract, employee, environment, financial report, asset-asset, disputes in oil & gas, participating interest, carry and repayment aspect,JOA (joint operating agreement, PROPER and others;b. to understand requirement and restriction as well as approval to be noted in relation with the share acquisition or participating interest in oil & gas;c. to understand relevant regulation in relation with the oil & gas company acquisition
6. Legal Aspect of LNG
- To have understanding in material legal aspect in relation with gas especially LNG
- To provide understanding in relation with the good and efficient CSR program in relation with petroleum industry
The Workshop will be expected to be attended by:
- The representative of oil and gas companies
- Advocate and legal consultant
- Student of universities
- Other participant who are interested in oil and gas industry.
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
Pick Up Participants
TRAINING FEE for Intensive Course Of Oil Gas Law
Rp6.500.000, – / peserta / Non Residential
Minimal 3 peserta