Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi
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Instructor by : Herry Achmad Buchory and Team
OUTLINE MATERI Training Introduction To Treasury Risk Management
1. Introduction to Treasury Risk Management & Basle II
2. Banking Book versus Trading Book
3. The Scope on Treasury activities
4. Basic Techniques of Statistic :
5. Basic concept on Value at Risk (Historical, analytical & montecarlo)
6. Market Risk on Foreign Exchange & Money Market Transaction
7. Market Risk on Fixed Income Transaction
8. Case study, Sensitivity analysis & Risk Modeling
9. How to set up the Market Risk Limit ?
10 How to understand of concept of Duration and its impact on sensitivity scenario
11. How to do Stress Test & Back Testing on Internal Model?
12. Undertanding on Hedging Tools (Interest rate Swap, Cross currency Swap & Option)
13. How to estimate the Liquidity risk ? & Credit Risk on Treasury activities (Counterparty Risk) ?
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)
TRAINING FEE for Introduction To Treasury Risk Management
Rp6.500.000,- / peserta /Non Residential
Minimal 3 peserta
Data Materi Training | |
Topik Training | : Introduction To Treasury Risk Management |
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*Jumlah Peserta | Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan |
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*Email Alternatif | eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail |
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