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Pipeline Transportation Distribution And Row

March 11, 2015

Pipeline Transportation Distribution And Row

Jadwal Pelatihan Pipeline Transportation Distribution And Row

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Instructor by : Bambang Murtjahjanto 



Over the past 70 years, a nationwide system of gathering, transmission and distribution pipelines has been constructed to transport almost 100 percent of the natural gas and about 66 percent of the ton – miles of oil and refined petroleum products consumed in the United States. Many portions of the transmission pipelines were originally constructed in sparsely populated areas; subsequent growth has transformed some of these previously rural and sometimes remote areas into urban and suburban areas with housing subdivisions, shopping centers, and business parks.

The goal of the Pipelines and rights of ways (ROW) is to reduce risks and improve the safety of affected communities and transmission pipelines through implementation of recommended practices related to risk – informed land use near transmission pipelines. The ROW recommended practices describe actions that can be taken by key stakeholders relative to proposed changes in land use or new development adjacent to existing transmission pipelines.

Local governments, property developers/owners, transmission pipeline operators, and state real estate commissions have key roles to enhance pipeline safety and ensure the protection of people, the environment and the pipeline infrastructure.



The recommended practices developed by the Pipeline s and Informed Planning Alliance apply To land use planning and development in proximity to hazardous liquid or gas transmission pipelines. Our energy pipeline transportation system also includes networks of production, gathering, and distribution pipelines.

However, the ROW initiative focuses exclusively on transmission pipelines and the ROW recommended practices are not intended to apply to those production, gathering, and distribution pipeline systems. Some of the ROW recommended practices may not be appropriate for consideration in the siting of new pipelines. There is an extensive network of federal and state regulatory and judicial processes involved with the evaluation and approval of new transmission pipeline siting and construction.


1. Natural Gas Pipeline Components

The pipeline transmission system

The “interstate highway” for natural gas — consists of 180,000 miles of high-strength steel pipe varying in diameter, normally between 30 and 36 inches in diameter. The primary function of the transmission pipeline company is to move huge amounts of natural gas thousands of miles from producing regions to local natural gas utility delivery points.

2. Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution System

The transmission segment of the gas industry is responsible for transporting natural gas from the producer to the market areas via pipelines. The transmission system is composed of pipelines, compressor stations, city gate stations, and storage facilities, include:

a. General Pipeline Construction Procedures

Permits Survey and Staking, Clearing and Grading, Trenching, Pipe Stringing, Bending, and Welding, Lowering-in and Backfilling, Hydrostatic Testing. Final Tie-in, Commissioning, Cleanup and Restoration

b. Special Construction Procedures

Road, Highway, and Railroad Crossings, Steep Terrain Water, Body Crossing Crossings, Wetland Crossings,  Blasting, Fences and Grazing, Rugged Topography, Construction Immediately Adjacent to Other Pipelines

c. Aboveground Facility Construction Procedures

Compressor Stations, Meter Stations, Valves, and Pig Launcher/Receiver Facilities, Telecommunications Towers, Corrosion Protection and Detection Systems

3. Pipeline Operation and Maintenance (Row Approach)

  • ROW Monitoring and Maintenance
  • Pipeline Integrity
  • Future Plans and Abandonment
  • Current Mitigation and Best Management Practices
  • Reliability and Congestion Issues
  • Transmission Enhancement Technologies





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Pipeline Transportation Distribution And Row

Rp7.500.000,- / Participant / Non Residential

(minimal 3 peserta training pasti jalan)

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