Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Power Generation: Gas Turbines, Co-Generation, Combined Cycle Plants, Wind Power Generation And Solar Power

March 19, 2014

Power Generation: Gas Turbines, Co-Generation, Combined Cycle Plants, Wind Power Generation And Solar Power

Jadwal Pelatihan Power Generation: Gas Turbines, Co-Generation, Combined Cycle Plants, Wind Power Generation And Solar Power

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Instructor by: Team Expert Dari NTP

(2 hari pelatihan di kelas, 1 hari praktek di NTP)



This programme provides a detailed understanding of steam power plants, gas turbines, co-generation, combined cycle plants, wind and solar power generating plants. Each of the components such as compressors, gas and steam turbines, heat recovery steam generators, condensers, lubricating systems, instrumentation, control systems, transformers, and generators are covered. The design, selection considerations, operation, maintenance, and economics of co-generation plants and combined cycles as well as emission limits, reliability, monitoring and governing systems will also be covered. The significant improvements that were made to co-generation, combined cycles plants, wind and solar power generating plants during the last two decades will also be explained.



  • Engineers of all disciplines related to power generation
  • Managers
  • Technicians
  • Maintenance and operations personnel



A. Steam Power Plants

  1. Review of Thermodynamics Principles
  2. Steam Power Plants
  3. The Fire-Tube Boiler
  4. The Water-Tube Boiler
  5. The Steam Drum
  6. Superheaters and Reheaters
  7. Steam Turbines
  8. Reheaters
  9. Condensers
  10. Feedwater Heaters
  11. Efficiency and Heat Rate
  12. Supercritical Plants
  13. Co-generation Plants
  14. Arrangement of Co-generation plant
  15. Economics of Co-generation Plants

 B. Steam Turbines and Auxiliaries

  1. Turbine Types
  2. Compound Turbines
  3. Turbine Control Systems
  4. Steam Turbine Maintenance
  5. Steam Generators, Heat Exchangers, and Condensers
  6. Power Station Performance Monitoring
  7. The Turbine Governing Systems
  8. Steam Chests and Valves
  9. Turbine Protective Devices
  10. Turbine Instrumentation
  11. Lubrication Systems
  12. Gland Sealing System
  13. Frequently Asked Questions about Turbine-Generator Balancing, Vibration Analysis and Maintenance
  14. Features Enhancing The Reliability and Maintainability of Steam Turbines

C. Gas Turbines & Compressors

  1. Gas Turbine Fundamentals
  2. Overview of Gas Turbines
  3. Gas Turbine Design
  4. Gas Turbine Calculations
  5. Gas Turbine Compressors
  6. Combined Cycles
  7. Single-Shaft Combined Cycle Power Generating Plants
  8. Economic and Technical Considerations for Combined Cycle Performance Enhancement Options
  9. Dynamic Compressors Technology
  10. Compressors Auxiliaries, Off-Design Performance, Stall, and Surge
  11. Centrifugal Compressors–Components, Performance Characteristics, Balancing, Surge Prevention Systems, and Testing
  12. Dynamic Compressors Performance
  13. Compressor Seal Systems
  14. Dry Seals, Advanced Sealing Mechanisms, and Magnetic Bearings

D. Co-generation Plants, Wind and Solar Power Generation

  1. Applications of Co-generation and Combined Cycle Plants
  2. Selection Considerations of Combined Cycles and Co-generation Plants
  3. Co-generation Application Considerations
  4. University of Toronto Central Steam, Co-generation and District Heating Plant
  5. Economics of Combined Cycles Co-generation Plants
  6. Wind Power Generation
  7. Economics of Wind Power
  8. Wind Power Turbine Generators – Brushless Double-Feed Generators
  9. The Solar Power
  10. Solar Photovoltaic Technologies
  11. Economics of Solar Power Systems

E. Transformers & Generators

  1. Fundamentals of Electric Systems
  2. Introduction to Machinery Principles
  3. Transformers
  4. Transformers Components and Maintenance
  5. AC Machine Fundamentals
  6. Synchronous Generators
  7. Generator Components, Auxiliaries, and Excitation
  8. Generator Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance





Case Study





Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Power Generation: Gas Turbines, Co-Generation, Combined Cycle Plants, Wind Power Generation And Solar Power

Rp7.500.000, – / peserta / Non Residential

Minimum 10 orang

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Topik Training : Power Generation: Gas Turbines, Co-Generation, Combined Cycle Plants, Wind Power Generation And Solar Power
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