Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Proses Overhaul Turbine

April 7, 2014

Proses Overhaul Turbine

Jadwal Pelatihan Proses Overhaul Turbine

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

Instructor by: Cecep Slamet Abadi, ST



Periodically, all industrial equipment including turbines require a major overhaul. The level of work required for repairs will depend a lot on the operating conditions such as fuel quality, combustion air and how the unit is loaded. Improvement in order to run smoothly and to complete all necessary work, planning should begin long before repairs begin.



A. Introduction

B. Preparation

  1. Maintenance records
  2. Inspection
  3. Drawings
  4. Lifting devices and rigging
  5. Scheduling
  6. Procurement of equipment and supplies

C. Basis for Opening Turbine

  1. Hystory
  2. Other Turbine in the Plant

D. Disassembly and Repair

  1. Turbine Workscope
  2. Disassembly
  3. Summary of Internal Damage Found
  4. Casing and Diaphragm Damage
  5. Casing Repair
  6. Problem With Boring the Case
  7. Diaphragm Repair
  8. Diaphragm Splitline Repairs
  9. Diaphragm Sealing Surface Repairs
  10. Nozzle Box Repair
  11. Rotor Repair
  12. Spare Rotor Repair

E. Field machining procedures

  1. Seal rings
  2. Facing plates
  3. Wicket gate bushing line boring
  4. Redoweling

F. Coupling boltholes Casing splitline gap in the low pressure section

G. Reassembly

  1. Torque or stretch of bolts
  2. Unit alignment
  3. Wicket gate adjustment
  4. Gaskets and packing
  5. Governor

H. Conclution

  1. Borescope Inspection Inspections
  2. Final Inspection
  3. Initial Startup
  4. Operational Reading
  5. Vibration Monitoring
  6. Efficiency Meassurement and Power Loss





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Proses Overhaul Turbine

Rp7.000.000,- / peserta / Non Residential

Minimum 5 orang


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Topik Training : Proses Overhaul Turbine
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