Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Wellhead Safety And Shutdown System

March 16, 2015

Wellhead Safety And Shutdown System

Jadwal Pelatihan Wellhead Safety And Shutdown System

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 Instructor by : Widradjat Aboekasan



A wellhead is a general term used to describe the component at the surface of an oil or gas well that provides the structural and pressure‐containing interface for the drilling and production equipment. The primary purpose of a wellhead is to provide the suspension point and pressure seals for the casing strings that run from the bottom of the hole sections to the surface pressure control equipment. Once the well has been drilled, it is completed to provide an interface with the reservoir rock and a tubular conduit for the well fluids. The surface pressure control is provided by a christmas tree, which is installed on top of the wellhead, with isolation valves and choke equipment to control the flow of well fluids during production.


  • Understand the well activities
  • Understand the concept of wellhead
  • Understand the instrumentation and control
  • Know the instrumentation and control
  • Understand the hazardous area at wellhead
  • Understand the valves and choke valves
  • Understand the safety marking of instrumentation
  • Understand the schematic diagram
  • Understand the specification break in P&ID
  • Know the control systems





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2X Coffe Breaks


Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Wellhead Safety And Shutdown System

Rp 9.000.000,- / participant / Non Residential

Minimal 3 peserta

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