Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi
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Instructor by : Prabowo Sutadji & Tim
Tujuan dari training ini adalah untuk menambah wawasan mengenai operasi dan pemeliharaan sistem tenaga listrik tegangan rendah. Pelatihan ditekankan pada Instalasi, operasi, proteksi dan pemeliharaan peralatan dalam sistem Distribusi tenaga listrik. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini diharapkan peserta akan dapat :
MATERI Training LV Electrical Power Distribution SystemAL OUTLINE
1. Electric Power Distribution System Overview
Types of Power System Distribution Network, Elements of Power System Distribution Network
2. LV Electrical Power Generator
Construction and Characteristics, Excitation System and AVR, Paralel Operation and Emergency System
3. Electrical Power Distribution Transformer
(Construction, Principle Operation, Vector Group, Transformer Sizing and Protection)
4. LV Switchgearand Distribution Panel (System Overview, Type of Switchgear, Components, Power Buses, Operating Mechanism, Safety)
5. Electrical Motor Installation and Protection
Types of Electrical Motor, Starting Methods, Motor Control Circuits and Installation, Selection Guide to Electrical Components, Motor Protection
6. Protection and Coordination
Need for Protection, Circuit Breaker Control Circuits, Protection Relay Fundamentals, Solid State Relays, Relay Setting and Coordination
7. Grounding System
Purpose of Grounding, Standards (National/IEEE/IEC), Grounded vs. Ungrounded, Distribution Grounding Electrodes
8. Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning Overvoltages, Mechanisms of Lightning, Lightning Characteristics, Over Voltage Protection, Insulation Coordination
9. Maintenance of Equipment
Type of Maintenance, Measurement and testing
Pelatihan ini diberikan pada para teknisi, operator maupun supervisor yang bekerja di bidang ketenagalistrikan di industri untuk menangani masalah operasi, instalasi dan pemeliharaan peralatan system distribusi tenaga listrik tegangan rendah.
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
TRAINING FEE for LV Electrical Power Distribution System
Rp7.000.000,-/Peserta/Non Residential
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Topik Training | : LV Electrical Power Distribution System |
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