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Online Training – Basic Reservoir Engineering

April 7, 2022

Online Training – Basic Reservoir Engineering

Jadwal Pelatihan Online Training – Basic Reservoir Engineering

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Some people say that the heart of petroleum engineering is reservoir engineering. In fact, there is no other branch of science that studies reservoir engineering. This course offers a thorough discussion on reservoir engineering as it applies for oil and gas field exploitation operations. After completing the course, the attendees will have a better knowledge about the subject. This course provides a unique vision and understanding about petroleum reservoir engineering and its application. In the class, the instructor(s) will discuss thoroughly all aspects of basic topics of reservoir engineering from the fundamental theories to the applications. The principles, guidelines, and procedures for reservoir engineering calculations in practical manner will be discussed with their mathematical and fundamental theories. Those who have limited experience in reservoir engineering activities and others who want to improve their understanding of the subject are also welcome.



  1. Training Basic Reservoir Engineering
  2. Introduction
  3. Reservoir and Reservoir Quantities
  4. Rock Properties
  5. Fluid Properties
  6. Flow Equations
  7. Reserve Calculations
  8. Material Balance Methods
  9. Decline Curve Analysis
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