Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi
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Instructor by : Riyanti W. Lestari
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) has been progressing in such a way. Many industries are increasingly recognizing the importance of CSR is to the sustainability of their business, there by allocating power and no small cost for this program. Including the oil and gas industry. CSR program evaluation in the management system,it is important to measure the success and effectiveness. Evaluation is also important to know the role that CSR programs have been implemented to give effect tothe stakeholders.
Forth is reason the understanding of CSR and its methodology of evaluation in dicators to be important for the instigators of this CSR program. Perceptions of the parties on the implementation of CSR programs also rely on the reporting package. In this casehas developed various standards of conduct and reporting of CSR in the form of sustainability reporting.“Sustainability Report” is a broad term considered synonymous with other used to describe reporting on economic, environmental,and social impact (e.g. triple bottom line, corporate responsibility reporting,etc). Beside ISO 26000 and the Environmental Performance Rating Program (PROPER) as guidelines, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a tool (reporting guideline) which focuses on standardizing the reporting on social responsibility and sustainability.
Through this training is expected to deepen the knowledge and skills of the CSR program evaluation methods.Beside that to examine more deeply about how to make a good sustainability report based on GRI guidelines. It is expected that this understanding will enhance the capa city of the business (corporate) in sustainability reporting framework.
1. CSR Basic Principle and Overview
2. Evaluation CSR Program
3. Reporting of CSRProgram
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Breaks
TRAINING FEE for CSR Sustainability Reporting
Rp 7.500.000,- / participant/ Non Residential
Minimal 3 participants training pasti jalan
Data Materi Training | |
Topik Training | : CSR Sustainability Reporting |
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