Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Electrical Safety

September 10, 2015

Electrical Safety

Jadwal Pelatihan Electrical Safety

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

Instructor by : Tugino 



In the industrial field, electrical safety training is just as important as plant safety. Equipments that are safe under normal working conditions can be unsafe when they’re not working properly. Any employee assigned to task associated with electrical energy should be qualified and trained to perform the job. Employees assigned to work near electrical equipment should at least know the common safety rules.

This course is the ideal way to get your employees up to speed. Our classes will ensure that your employees can identify the electrical hazards, avoid exposure to those hazards and understand the potential results if exposed. They will also be able to understand the dangers of electrical shock and flash/arc blast.

After successfully completing our electrical safety course, your employees will be better qualified to safely perform the tasks and procedures necessary to conduct their work.



1. General Electrical Awareness

2. Consequences Of Electrical Hazards

3. The Safety Model and Devices

  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs),
  • Circuit Breakers/Fuses
  • Grounding
  • Overhead Power Lines and Underground Utilities

4. Major Hazards and Prevention Strategies

5. Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Awareness

6. Types Of Electrical Injuries

  • Shock
  • Electrocution
  • Burns
  • Falls

7. Causes of Electrical Hazards

8. Controls, Including

  • Engineering/Technological Solutions
  • Work Practices and Training
  • Personal Protective Equipment

9. Reporting Hazards To a Supervisor





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 x Coffee Break


Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Electrical Safety

Rp8.000.000,- / Participant / Non Residential

(minimal 2 peserta training pasti jalan)

Form Pre-Registrasi

Data Materi Training

Topik Training : Electrical Safety
*Jumlah Peserta Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan
*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan

Personal Data

*Jabatan Jabatan/Divisi/Departement
*Nama Perusahaan
*Alamat Perusahaan
*Email Perusahaan
*Email Alternatif eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail
*Telepon Kantor
* Harus di isi