Project Management Professional
June 11, 2024
Jadwal Pelatihan Project Management Professional
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Project Management Professional ini dirancang secara khusus untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam mengenai terminologi, konsep dan metodologi manajemen proyek. Pelatihan bersifat praktis untuk mempermudah peserta dalam memahami materi dan menerapkannya di lingkungan kerja masing-masing.
- Memahami tujuan, input dan output dari 5 Group Core Process
- Memahami 10 Knowledge Areas Project Management
- Memahami bagaimana setiap Knowledge Area berkontribusi dalam proyek mulai dari awal sampai akhir dan mengetahui bagaimana membuat The Key Deliverables pada setiap stage
- Memahami bagaimana melakukan scope a project secara jelas dengan menggunakan Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Memahami Estimate Schedule, memahami The Different Factors yang harus dipertimbangkan ketika pindah dari Initial Estimate sehingga dapat dibuat komitmen
- Dapat mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa resiko-resiko proyek dan bagaimana menghindari risiko tersebut
- Mempelajari secara cepat membuat Risk Register
- Memahami tentang Program Governance dan bagaimana membuat Phase-Gate Approval System
- Memahami bagaimana menerapkan pembelajaran ini ke Real-Life Environment
- Memahami Key Project Management Techniques
- Memahami Project Management Technical Skills dan Tools seperti Microsoft Project Professional, Work Breakdown Structures, Phase Gates, Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis, dan Robust
- Project Governance System
OUTLINE MATERI Training Project Management Professional
1. Introduction and Overview
- What is a Project? What is Project Management?
- The Difference between Project, Operations & Maintenance
- Why Project Fails & Success
- Key Role and Criteria of Project Managers
- 5 Process Groups, 10 Knowledge Areas
- Project Constraints & Assumptions
- PMO, Projects and Company Vision and Mission
- Project Feasibility Study Thru Financial & non Financial metrics
2. Project Initiation
- Develop Project Charter
- Identify Stakeholders
- Understanding Business Case
- Pre-assigned Team
- Make or Buy Analysis
- Input, Tools & Techniques and Output
3. Project Planning by Developing a Project Management Plan
- Project Scope Management
- Collect Requirement
- Define Scope
- Create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Rolling Wave Planning
- WBS Dictionary
- Work Package
- Activity List and Attribute
- Project Time Management
- Define Activities
- Sequence Activities
- Estimate Activity Resouce and Duration
- Develop Schedule
- Creating Network Diagram
- One Estimate versus PERT
- Critical Path Method
- Lags, Leads, Total Float, Free Float, Project Float
- Logical Relationships
- Milestones
- Schedule Compression Techniques & Impact
- Gantt-Chart
- Project Cost Management
- Estimate Cost
- Determine Budget
- Budget at Completion (BAC)
- S-curveand Planned Value (PV)
- Budget Reserve Analysis
4. Planning for Other Knowledge Areas
- Project Quality Management
- Project Risk Management
- Project Human Resource Management
- Project Communication Management
- Project Procurement Management
- Project Integration Management
- Input, Tools & Techniques and Output
5. Project Executing
- Acquire and Develop Project Team
- Conduct Procurement
- Quality Assurance
- Distribute Information
- Manage Stakeholders Expectations
- Project Performance Reporting
6. Monitor and Control Project Work
- Project Performance Reporting
- Earned Value Management
- Tracking Progress with Earned Value (EV)
- Recording Actual Cost (AC)
- Cost and Schedule Varians
- Cost and Schedule Performance Index
- Schedule & Budget Forecasting
7. Closing the Project
8. Group Exercise (Project Management Plan)
9. Simulation with Microsoft Project
- Main Features
- Creating New Project thru Wizard
- Analisa Gantt Chart
- Project Data
- Project Resource Management
- Project Baselineand Tracking
- Project Information for Analysis
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2x Coffee Break
Pick Up Participant (Yogyakarta)