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Auxiliary Power Measurement, Optimization And Analysis

October 3, 2014

Auxiliary Power Measurement, Optimization And Analysis

Jadwal Pelatihan Auxiliary Power Measurement, Optimization And Analysis

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OUTLINE MATERI Training Auxiliary Power Measurement, Optimization And Analysis :

1. Power Plant–Fossil fuels

  • Fossil fueled fired generating stations have very precise definition of Thermal efficiency.
  • It is the ratio of heat equivalent of Fuel fired to the heat equivalent of electricity sent to transmission net work.
  • Auxiliary power consumption has two components.
  • Unit auxiliary power consumption & station auxiliary power consumption.

2. Power plant cycle efficiency

  • Role of Steam Generator is to generate steam which is used to convert heat energy into kinetic energy.
  • Conversion cost includes usage of steam produced for internal consumption such as SCAPH ,TDBFP, Air Condtioning based on VAS
  • Aux. power consumption would depend on coal quality and on type of cycle.
  • Why not use better coal, which would lower auxiliary power consumption and an optimum performance can be sustained with less expenditure on O&M Cost.

3. Power plant cycle efficiency

  • Gross boiler efficiency at any point of operation can be improved by consuming more electricity through Mills & fans.
  • When we are using low cost–inferior coals- we consume more auxiliary power consumption to improve operating efficiency.
  • Usage of an additional pulverizer to handle poor coal results in increased power consumption, however, corresponding improvement in Gross boiler efficiency may not be achieved.

4. Importance of Auxiliary Power Consumption

  • Degradation of equipment performance can be readily guaged from power consumption .
  • Unit or boiler power consumption is monitored as % of generation which is just a gross index.
  • Power consumption guarantee on boiler covers all major drives
  • Power consumption should be measured together in a typical boiler efficiency test.

5. Change in plant Conditions with time increases Auxiliary power

  • Air in leakage to boiler gas enclosure
  • Fouling of Boiler heating Surface–higher dry gas loss would increase power consumption
  • Higher draft loss due to air ingress and ash deposition.
  • Air heater leakage/ Air ingress after APH’s
  • Deterioration of Turbine Steam Path Condition.
  • Condenser pressure/ condenser cleanliness- air ingress and extent of tube pluggage
  • Steam and water leaks from drains and vents.

6. Net Heat Rate

  • Net heat rate monitoring would cover impact of aux. Power consumption of different drive
  • Net heat rate monitoring can be adopted for inernal processess.
  • This would call for individual monitoring of drives using accurate energy meters .
  • Such a system is being introduced  as a retrofit in all old plants in ntpc & consumption levels are being tracked from overhaul to overhaul.

7. Major Drives

  • Drives are listed for a typical 500 mw unit.
  • Auxiliary power consumption measurement can be done as per a standard test code.
  • However no test code covers correction methodology which would be worked out based on process design.

8. Performance Analysis

  • Measured total power could be different from base line values for changes in operating regime
  • It shall be higher wherever boiler performance has degraded
  • Gross power could be same because some auxiliaries may be doing better and some operating at worse point due to performance degradation

9. Correction Methodology

  • Correction methodology is jointly developed with vendor as it is not generally covered in test codes
  • Application of correction requires accurate monitoring of process parametes using accurate off line instruments
  • Coal variation would have major effect on unit performance and thus power consumption

10. Boiler Feed Pump

  • Boiler feed pump is not a boiler
  • Auxiliary and its power consumption varies in response to turbine mode of working and its degradation

11. Boiler Feed Pump

  • Bfp power consumption constitute a major chunk of power consumed by unit auxiliaries.
  • Usage of steam driven feed pump results in reduction of apc %.
  • Usage of turbo driven feedpump improves cycle efficiency.
  • Any feedback on tdbfp performance due to condenser degradation





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Auxiliary Power Measurement, Optimization And Analysis

Rp7.000.000,- peserta / Non Residential

Minimal 3 peserta

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