Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi
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Leading a company to success is like steering a vehicle to your destination. Roadmaps are being created and constantly updated in many business sectors in order to encompass the broadening aspects of the modern business world. As corporate leaders steering your crew to your destination, you must watch out for any new signposts along the road, detailing changes or challenges in the external environment, e.g. the globalisation of market, the advancement of technology, etc. By mastering these changes well, successful leaders can transform challenges into opportunities and enhance competitive edge of their companies. However, moving along the business highways, strong leadership is very important to avoid enticing short cuts and to stay steadily on the right route to reach the ultimate destination of their companies.
This business ethics course offers an introduction into the concept of values, morality, as well as cultural beliefs and upbringing in all areas of business, from consumer rights to corporate social responsibility. Decisions made by shift managers or corporate presidents may affect thousands of individuals or entire communities. Consumers today expect and demand integrity, honesty, and transparency in all levels of their environment. Understanding those expectations is the key to communicating core values and behavior not only to employees, but society in general.
· Introduction to Business Ethics
What business ethics means and how it determines the relationship between a business and an individual.
· Why Are Ethics in Business Important?
The importance of ethics in all businesses and work environments, and the ethical responsibilities and obligations of an organization and individuals.
· Ethics in the Workplace
How ethics play an important role in both large and small organizations. Also, this lesson covers the ethical issues in the workplace and the code of conduct.
· Upcoming Management Challenges
– The Urge for Ethical Leadership
– Boom in Information Technology
– Dealing with Conflicts of Interest
– Business Across the Boundary
· Corporate Responsibility
Defines corporate responsibility and explains the code of conduct and ethics.
· Corporate Compliance
Defines and explains corporate and business compliance. It also describes the government laws and regulations for small and large companies, and the role of the Department of Labor in corporate compliance.
· Social Responsibility
Explains how Business Ethics extend the responsibilities of businesses from the workplace to environmental and cultural structures of communities.
· The Positive Impact of Ethics in Business
Analyzes how Business Ethics brought about several positive changes in the workplace.
· Going International
· Consumer Rights
You will learn more about Consumer Rights and Protection. Also, this lesson explains how Business Ethics and Consumer Rights are related.
· Business Ethics and the Financial World
Against the backdrop of many financial scandals that have rocked Wall Street, the application of business ethics in finance becomes very important.
· Final Thoughts on Business Ethics
Sums up the whole course by analyzing the importance of Business Ethics and the implications of Business without Ethics.
Aimed at maintenance personnel, but anyone who requires to work with these systems.
Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation
Training Kit, Handout, Certificate, Lunch+2 X Coffee Break, Souvenir, Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)
TRAINING FEE for Business Ethics
Rp6.500.000,- / participant / NON Residential
Quota minimal 3 orang peserta
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Topik Training | : Business Ethics |
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