Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Drilling Engineering For Non Engineer

December 23, 2013

Drilling Engineering For Non Engineer

Jadwal Pelatihan Drilling Engineering For Non Engineer

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After completing this course participants are expected to be able to:

  1. Understanding the basic principles and simple calculations for implementation of well-drilling oil wells, gas and geothermal reservoir, develop implementation of this calculation to improve the performance of well-drilling wells in the field.
  2. Conduct simple diagnosis and comprehend the settlement and build oil, gas or geothermal wells.
  3. Create a simple analysis of oil, gas and geothermal wells exploration data, and able to design a global drilling performance and plan its development.
  4.  Conduct the simple quantitative calculations of mapping out for drilling mud, cement, hydraulics, well control.
  5. Practise knowledges in vertical drilling design, for drilling wells sloping design, horizontal wells both using overbalance and underbalance technology.


  1. Introduction : Rotary Drilling Operationso Steps to drilling a wello Types of rigso Rig Componentso Rig Systems
  2. Rheology of Drilling and Completion Fluidso Equations and Inflow Performance Relationship Functions of Drilling/ Completiono Fluidso Fluid Types,o Fluid Models

    o Introduction to Rotary Viscometer

    o Other Testing Equipment

    o Objectives of Monitoring Fluids

  3. Mud Systemo General Equations and ConceptsDiagnostic testso Water mud basedo Oil mud basedo Additives

    o Mud handling system

  4. Cementingo Tubing DesignFunctions of cemento Cement Typeso Cement Additives
  5. Oil Field Tubules and Hydraulicso Drill stringo Casing and tubingo Casing classificationo Stresses on casing

    o Casing setting depth

    o Burst and collapse calculations

    o Wellheads

  6. Drilling System – Pressure Loss Calculationso Hydrostaticso Buoyancyo Flow through pipes and annulio Flow path

    o Pressure loss calculations

  7. Drilling System – Bit & Nozzleso Hydrostatics Bit Typeso Bit Partso Bit Classificationo Bit Nozzles
  8. Introduction to Well Controlo Hydrostatics Definitionso Causes of kickso Kick indicatorso Shut-in procedure

    o Well Kill Procedures

  9. Directional Drillingo Reasons for directional wellso Planning Trajectoryo Kickoff Methodso Survey Methods

    o Survey Calculations

    o Hole Assemblies



Operator, Senior Operator, Engineer/Non Engineer





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Drilling Engineering For Non Engineer

Rp8.500.000,- / participant / Non Residential

Minimal 4 peserta

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