Energy Saving
March 27, 2014
Jadwal Pelatihan Energy Saving
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Instructor by : Bambang Hardjoko
- Monitoring energy use
- Setting targets
- Senior management buy in – ensuring effective energy saving programme governance
- Managing assets – getting the best from existing investments, eg. Demystifying Building Management Systems, ensuring efficient time zones and heat/cooling bands
- Energy Audits – identifying opportunities to reduce demand
- Investments – making the case for business investment in energy saving technologies and working practices
- Behaviour Change – effective strategies to influence colleagues and managing change
- Strategy – developing policies and effective strategies for energy reduction across the organisation
- Low Carbon Economy – proven techniques to reduce energy consumption for the organisations products and services, eg. Life Cycle Energy Use, Lean Engineering, communicating green benefits to customers, etc.
- Up skilling the team – how to deliver in-house training programmes to increase energy efficiency competencies within the organisation.
- Energy management basics : learn the basics of energy management
- Lighting: learn how to upgrade your business lighting
- HVAC for business: learn how to maintain and optimise the operation of your HVAC system
- Commercial refrigeration : designed for refrigeration contractors to identify opportunities to optimise the energy efficiency of refrigeration systems
- Cogeneration feasibility : designed to help you assess the feasibility of a cogeneration system for your business
- Industry focused energy efficiency training is also available for the aged-care sector and registered clubs
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)
TRAINING FEE for Energy Saving
Rp6.500.000,-/Peserta/Non Residential
Minimal 3 peserta