Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Material Knowledge For Skill

February 12, 2014

Material Knowledge For Skill

Jadwal Pelatihan Material Knowledge For Skill

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

Instructor by : Drs. Isnu Sy. Hartoko Bc.M., MPd.



To introduce the participants to standard classification and specification of various materials commonly used in the oil and gas industry and to improve their knowledge on the use of those materials in the field.



  • Material Classification : Ferrous and non ferrous metal, ceramic, plastic and rubber in bars, plate sheets and wire products
  • Material standard and specification
  • Material Characteristic : Physical, Mechanical, Chemical and Technology
  • Manufacturing Process of Material
  • Material Degradation
  • Bearing, shaft seal, belt, roller chain, Fasteners
  • Wire ropes, cordage and tackles



Those who work in the logistics / materials department i.e. purchasing warehousing, inventory control specially those who actually handle the materials receiving and storage.



Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation



Training Kit, Handout, Certificate, 1 x Lunch, 2 X Coffee Break, Souvenir, Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Material Knowledge For Skill

Rp6.500.000,- / participant / Non Residential

(minimal 4 peserta training pasti jalan) 

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Topik Training : Material Knowledge For Skill
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