Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Risk Assesment

July 16, 2014

Risk Assesment

Jadwal Pelatihan Risk Assesment

Belum ada jadwal terbaru

Instructor by :Ridwan Mahzun, MMT, MIIRSM


In all places of work particularly were there are associated risks involved with production, processing and manufacturing, there are also associated risks from chemicals, machinery and moving equipments. These needs to be risk assessed and quantified to protect employees and the property concerned. Risks can be assessed on various levels and a plan of Risk Areas can be formulated and coordinated.

This course will provide the tools for Risk Assessment to be carried out and qualified.



1. Introduction

  • Purpose
  • Background
  • Risk Assessment Definitions
  • The Basics of Risk Assessment

2. Risk Assessment Methods

  • The Risk Assessment Process
  • Hazard Identification Methods
  • Frequency Assessment Methods
  • Consequence Assessment Methods
  • Risk Evaluation and Presentation

3. Conducting a Risk Assessment

  • Set Up of a Risk Analysis
  • Selecting the Right Approach
  • Conducting the Assessment and Follow-up
  • Risk Assessment Limitations and Potential Problems

4. Offshore Oil and Gas Systems: Hazards and Safety Regulations

  • Overview
  • Major Hazards of Offshore Oil and Gas Production.
  • Historical Progression of Regulations Governing Offshore Oil and Gas Development
  • Key Nations’ Offshore Oil and Gas Regulatory Development
  • Conclusions and Future Trends

5. Benefits of Risk Assessment Applications

  • Overview
  • Identifying Hazards and Protecting Against Them
  • Improving Operations
  • Efficient Use of Resources (ALARP/Cost Benefit Analysis)
  • Developing or Complying with Rules and Regulations

6. Risk Based Inspection

  • Introduction
  • Qualitative Screening
  • A Quantitative Model for Equipment with Measurable Damage Rate





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break


Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)


TRAINING FEE for Risk Assesment

Rp8.000.000,- / Participant / NON Residential

Quota min 5 orang peserta pasti jalan

Form Pre-Registrasi

Data Materi Training

Topik Training : Risk Assesment
*Jumlah Peserta Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan
*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan

Personal Data

*Jabatan Jabatan/Divisi/Departement
*Nama Perusahaan
*Alamat Perusahaan
*Email Perusahaan
*Email Alternatif eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail
*Telepon Kantor
* Harus di isi