Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi

Shutdown Management

May 2, 2023

Shutdown Management

Jadwal Pelatihan Shutdown Management

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The engineering world is littered with examples of poor shutdowns with massive overruns in costs and problems in resource planning. Performing an effective shutdown is an example of applying many of the principles of good Project Management with some important exception which are outlined in the workshop. This training gives you an excellent review of shutdown management from the perspective of someone who has done it from the trenches. There are many case studies of successful shutdown projects to ensure that you get the latest and most up to date information to successfully apply to your next project no matter what position you hold.



  1. Fundamentals of Shutdowns and Turnarounds
  2. Management Plan & Procedures
  3. Scheduling Maintenance Activities
  4. Monitoring & Control Techniques
  5. Backlog Management Techniques
  6. Planning for the Shutdown
  7. The Actual Shutdown
  8. Post Shutdown
  9. Measurement & Improvement of Maintenance Performance
  10. Maintenance Audits
  11. Human Resources
  12. Materials & Equipment Planning
  13. Principles of Engineering Project Management for Shutdowns
  14. Time Management of Shutdowns
  15. Cost Management of Shutdowns
  16. Risk Management of Shutdowns
  17. Quality in Shutdown Management
  18. Introduction to Contract Law on Shutdowns



Project Engineer, Engineering Professionals, Shutdown Managers and Co-ordinators, Maintenance Planning Managers, Cost Control Staff, Construction Superintendents, Technical Personnel, Maintenance/Supervisory Managers, Project Team Members in: manufacturing, process industries, research & development, utilities, local authorities





Case Study




Training Kit



Lunch + 2x Coffee Break


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Topik Training : Shutdown Management
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*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan

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