Portal Jadwal Training & Consulting, Sertifikasi dan Non-Sertifikasi
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Instructor by: Dudung Duhara ST., SSMBB.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive and fundamental rule or belief for leading and operating an organization, aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all stakeholders. It is both a philosophy and a set of guiding principles that represent the foundation of a continuously improving organization. The bottom line of TQM is results: increased productivity, efficiency, customer satisfaction/delight, and world-class performance. This course will present the various TQM frameworks, concepts, and quality improvement tools necessary for implementing the quality culture that characterizes world-class organizations of the 21st century. The course will revolve around the core values and the criteria for performance excellence embodied in the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the highest award for performance excellence in U.S. organizations and which is increasingly being adopted worldwide as the operational definition of a world-class enterprise. We will, therefore, explore the key actions necessary for transforming business and not-for-profit organizations into world-class organizations that deliver ever-improving value to their customers, clients, and constituents.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
Defining Total Quality Management:
Principles of Total Quality Management:
Techniques used in Total Quality Management:
Implementing Total Quality Management:
Benefits of Total Quality Management:
Managers, Supervisors, Engineers, Practitioners in the field of Quality Management, Quality Engineering, Continuos improvement /production & operation and all parties associated with process quality, improvement, production and operation of the company or organization.
Case Study
Training Kit
Lunch + 2 X Coffee Break
Pick Up Participants (Yogyakarta)
TRAINING FEE for Total Quality Management
Rp6.500.000,- / peserta / Non Residential
Minimal 3 peserta
Data Materi Training | |
Topik Training | : Training Total Quality Management |
Link | |
*Jumlah Peserta | Estimasi Jumlah Peserta yang di ajukan |
*Nama Peserta Yang Didaftarkan | |
Personal Data | |
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*Jabatan | Jabatan/Divisi/Departement |
*Nama Perusahaan | |
*Alamat Perusahaan | |
*Email Perusahaan | |
*Email Alternatif | eg: gmail, yahoo, hotmail |
*Telepon Kantor | |
Ekstensi | |
*Handphone | |
* Harus di isi | |